- As many of you are already aware, Rebecca Hartman has resigned from her CE/Quality position here at Vista. We will hold CE in November as scheduled. Topics will include the Region X Chempack Distribution Plan, JumpStart, and maybe some decontamination discussion.
- There will be no CE sessions in December.
- Please forward any additional CE to either myself ([email protected]) or Valerie Anderson ([email protected]). Remember, the new CE policy is 15 hours/year for EMTs and 25 hours/year for paramedics.
- We will be looking to hire a full-time CE/Quality person – a new job description and posting will be available on the Vista site soon.
- The go-live date for the new surgical crics is January 1, 2025. We need to have 100% completion of skills check-offs from your department/agency to allow you to go to the new equipment (you can turn the old QuickTrachs in to the EMS Department). If you have stragglers who need to test on the new surgical cric, we can try and catch them at CE in November or contact me to set up a time to accommodate them.
- The next SOP testing is Friday, November 22nd at 10AM in the Vista East amphitheater.
- Natalie Butler is the interim ER director.
- Our new CEO is Kevin Spiegel. If you get a chance to meet him, he has a lengthy EMS background as part of his “first career.” He has some interesting stories.
- Dr. Bruce Mackenzie is remaining at Vista as the ER Medical Director, but is giving up his role as EMS Medical Director. The new EMS Medical Director is Dr. Shivon Manchanda.
- FLU SHOTS. We will be bringing flu shots out to November’s CE sessions.
Andrew Arndt
Andrew Arndt2024-11-04 19:26:332024-11-04 19:28:04Health Network and EMS Program Updates
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